DIGITAL ECONOMY: Reports published in November

November 2014 has been very fruitful on the number of reports published covering the digital economy. Here is a selection of the ones that were more interesting for us.   Enjoy the...

Natalia Moreno

Natalia Moreno Rigollot Follow

Reading time: 3 min

November 2014 has been very fruitful on the number of reports published covering the digital economy. Here is a selection of the ones that were more interesting for us.

Enjoy the reading!


Measuring the Digital Economy, a new perspective, OECD

The OECD publishes this interesting report in which it tries to widely measure the direct and indirect impact of the digital economy in our societies, at least the ones included in the OECD. Not an easy task as the digital economy has occupied our entire daily life!

The objective of this publication is to highlight measurement gaps and propose actions to advance the measurement agenda.

Measuring the Information Society Report 2014, ITU

The ITU also tries to measure the contribution of the information society to the economy, providing a good overview of different country benchmarks on ICT data worldwide. The report covers 166 economies and brings comparisons of the progress made since last year. It also includes new ICT data sources for measurement. This report is yearly published since 2009.

The OECD Science, Technology and Industry Outlook 2014

This report draws the OECD work on science and innovation policy analysis and measurement, reviewing key trends in science, technology and innovation (STI) policies, and performance in more than 45 economies, including OECD countries and major emerging economies. It also includes a section with a country by country analysis. A very complete report.


The Internet Economy – Regulatory Challenges and Practices, OECD.

This report gathers the existing regulations already in place for Internet and the current challenges as Internet success depends on its openness and on the users’ confidence. It analyses from the most technical regulation such as standards, to the co-regulatory practices between the industry & government, passing by national regulation.

The Mobile Economy, Latin America, GSMA.

The report underlines the relevance of mobile broadband and smartphones take up in LatinAmerica, and the urgent need of new network investments in this area of the world.

It also provides some data perspectives for economic growth based on the mobile ecosystem for the region.


Finding Common Ground: Challenges and Opportunities in Internet Governance and Internet-related Policy, CIGI.

This is a very complete briefing report about the work done by the Global Commission on Internet Governance (GCIG), chaired by Sweden’s former Prime Minister Carl Bildt. The GCIG is a two-year initiative launched in January 2014 by CIGI and Chatham House to produce a comprehensive stand on the future of multi-stakeholder Internet Governance. It also analyses the current debates on the table about Internet Governance.

Net Neutrality: President Obama’s Plan for a Free and Open Internet , The White House.

No presentation needed as this statement has been highly commented in the social networks. Have a look at the entire statement and also to the video explaining President Obama´s Plan for a free and open Internet.



Networked Society City Index 2014, Ericsson.

This is the 2014 edition of the Networked Society City Index. This Index examines and ranks 40 cities from around the world, looking at their performance, challenges and opportunities in terms of ICT, sustainability and development. Stockholm city is at the top of the ranking. According to the report, this is due to its well-developed ICT infrastructure, extremely well-developed open data and e-services and high-quality access to both fixed and mobile broadband, thanks to extensive infrastructure rollouts.


Ericsson ConsumerLab: Smart citizens, Ericsson

This reports shows how the Internet eases smart choices for citizens in city life and therefore cities become smarter too! Very interesting!


102014 Top 100 Global Innovators, Thomson Reuters

This reports ranks for the 4th year the companies worldwide able to transform creative ideas into commercial products & services. Have a look at the 100 most innovative organizations, measured by a series of patent-related metrics.



Public Perceptions of Privacy and Security in the Post-Snowden Era, Pew Research Center.

This is a new survey by the Pew Research Center on privacy and security issues. It is always interesting to know more about the US users and their perspectives on these sensitive issues.

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