Digital Economy April reports 2015

Here are the 10 selected reports published in April 2015 on several issue dealing with the digital economy. This month, you will find from some interesting indexes measuring the digital...

Natalia Moreno

Natalia Moreno Rigollot Follow

Reading time: 4 min

2015 04 Reports

Here are the 10 selected reports published in April 2015 on several issue dealing with the digital economy. This month, you will find from some interesting indexes measuring the digital economy, but also surveys on users concerning key digital policies and guidelines on future work, essential to build a better digital future. Enjoy the readings!



Global Connectivity Index, Huawei, April 2015.

This is the 2015 Global Connectivity Index (GCI) delivered by Huawei. It presents an interesting benchmark for countries of 50 different economies in terms of connectivity, ICT usage, and digital transformation. This gives a clear overview of those countries best placed for development and growth, based on digital assets. The CGI takes into account 4 cornerstones of connectivity (supply, demand, experience and potential) with 5 horizontal attributes (cloud, IoTs, Big Data, broadband, Datacenters) showing a strong correlation between CGI and the economy.

The USA leads the ranking followed by Sweden, Singapore, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.


The Global Information and Technology Report 2015, WEF, April 2015.

This is the WEF annual report focused on the ICT revolution and its impact on our economies and societies. It covers more than 140 countries and their capacity to leveraging ICT, through the Network Readiness Index (NRI), which assesses the factors, policies and institutions that enable a country to fully leverage information and communication technologies (ICTs) for increased competitiveness and well-being. This year the report also puts the accent on inclusive growth.

Industry 4.0 Lifts Automation and Mass Customization to New Levels, BCG, April 2015.

This report clearly shows the benefits of the digital revolution in the industrial economy. It describes the nine technology trends that are the building blocks of Industry 4.0 and explores their potential technical and economic benefits for manufacturers and production equipment suppliers. The focus is put in Germany, through German case studies. The economic impact of the digital revolution in Germany is considered to be about 1% GDP and labor increases of about 6% in 10 years.


Connected Choices: How the Internet is challenging sovereign decisions, April 2015.

Internet has changed our world, physically as well as digitally. Therefore, it creates a series of tensions amongst the main society stakeholders, including Internet governance and its infrastructure. This report tries to analyze the different perspectives from the economic, the technical, the political, the regulatory and social interests related to Internet. The paper indicates that those States that will understand those multiple issues and that will be prepared to these changes are likely to be up on top.

Shared Responsibility: towards more inclusive Internet Governance, Global Governance Futures, April 2015.

This is a final report of the Global Governance Futures 2025 program which brings together young professionals to look ahead and recommend ways to address global challenges.

For this, the report presents two different scenarios (called cyber Davos and google shock) on how could be Internet governance by 2025, analyzing opportunities & threats and finally delivering some policy recommendations.

Antitrust, Regulation and the Neutrality Trap: A plea for a smart, evidence-based internet policy, CEPS, April 2015.

This short paper analyses current trending issues in the digital arena, such as Internet policy, neutrality and regulation and delivers its conclusions. It considers that regulating net neutrality would not make Internet more neutral and the fact that the net is not neutral is positive for users in certain cases. The debate is launched!


Youth entrepreneurship in Europe: Values, attitudes, policies, Eurofound, April 2015.

This is an interesting study on the status of youth entrepreneurship in Europe, on their values and attitude towards their projects. It also analyses successful initiatives implemented within the UE, mostly in Finland, Hungary, Ireland, The Netherlands and Spain. These initiatives focused on the need to foster the culture of entrepreneurship, the ways to ease logistics for entrepreneurs and bring support to those young people.


EC Communication on the European Agenda on Security, EC, April 2015.

The EC has presented its future strategy on security for the period 2015-2020, replacing the one adopted in 2010. This report adopts a wide perspective of security, but includes relevant issues for our sector such as cybercrime. The report analyses the current trends and the current situation and establishes 3 different pillars: tackling terrorism and prevent radicalization, disrupt organized crime and fight cybercrime.


Emerging Best Practices of Chinese Globalizers: Develop the Innovation Model, WEF, April 2015

As China is becoming a world leading power, it is amazing to better know how they deal globalization and innovation through their companies expanding abroad. WEF presents this report in cooperation with Strategy&. The main lessons are that innovation is a relevant key factor of success for the globalization and globalization enables better innovation, therefore those criteria are closely linked!


Attitudes to Online and On Demand Content, Ofcom & BDRC Continental, April 2015.

The report analyses the use of on-demand and online audiovisual services within the UK and the attitudes of consumers. What it is interesting is that the survey also covers the perspectives of users towards the current audiovisual regulation (level of regulation, child protection online, regulation of devices, etc…) and their expectations which could give a direct flavor on how better regulate this sector in the future.

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