‘My day to day at Telefónica’ by Sergio Lax

As soon as I start my day, in addition to a good cup of coffee, I check the meetings I have been called to. I usually have one to three meetings a day, and if I need to prepare for them, I check beforehand.

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My start of the day

Once I know the meetings for the day, I try to organise myself according to the tasks I have. The main one is the update of the contract summaries, which I lead the project, and the online channel part, where I have to coordinate the teams of the product managers, the online channel area, and the promotions area.

The product managers are my colleagues in management and every week I usually receive several requests for changes in the different products and services we have at Movistar. The online channel sends the templates to be updated on the website, and this requires a minimum request time of 48 hours, so I have to plan in advance all the changes in the affected templates.

I have to be in constant contact with my colleagues in the promotions department to see what initiatives may affect the different products, to be reflected in the contract summaries that require it, later on. There are busy days and weeks when I try to be as productive as possible and if I can get things done sooner rather than later.

My objectives are to be able to check that everything is correct, to meet deadlines well in advance and to supervise the established procedure, prioritising by order of updating dates.

On other occasions, there are quieter days and seasons, when I have more time to review all the contract summaries that we currently have available, in case there is any type of error, whether at product, price or promotion level, in order to correct it as soon as possible. I also check the website, especially the promotions section and the different offers, to make sure that everything is correct.

A fundamental section that I check is the conditions of service, which are reflected in the contracts section, where I check that everything is correct.

If I have more time, I usually check all the emails I receive from different business and marketing departments, competition analysis, sector analysis and I also try to take some time to check what training courses are available on the different Telefónica platforms such as Universitas, and the whole Succesfactors environment, so I can sign up for a course that might be useful and of interest to me.

My tools

Many of the tools I use on a daily basis are Microsoft tools and others are corporate. Like any Telefónica employee, I use Outlook, trying to read all the emails I receive and assigning them to their corresponding folder (I have counted more than 200 folders and subfolders).

At Microsoft, I also use Power Point. In marketing work, it is essential to present reports and results, and to be able to share them with colleagues and different areas. I also use Word on a daily basis, where many business needs and improvements are reflected; and of course Excel, a fundamental day-to-day tool for most ‘telephonists’.

The importance of social networks in my work

I like to visit our Workplace at the beginning and end of the day, to see if there is anything new in the Telefónica and Movistar environment. I also connect a lot to social networks such as LinkedIn to keep up to date with the latest news in the sector and the professionals around me.

I also use X (formerly Twitter) a lot and I use it to keep up to date with Telefónica and Movistar, as well as the Movistar website and the different competitor websites, to check out the different offers and promotions offered by the competition at any given time.

Finally, and most importantly, without having great knowledge or being an expert in programming as I come from the field of communication and marketing, I need to work with a web editor, in my case Notepad, to be able to update the contract summaries, as well as a pdf converter, being a new tool called GESPLAN (Gestor de las Plantillas), which at the same time that it converts the HTML of the RdCs (contract summaries), validates that the whole template is correct in HTML language at the layout level.

My best moment of the day

Having a coffee with my colleagues, talking about different things in our day-to-day lives, exchanging opinions, while telling each other about our personal matters, as we are always people with different personal situations, rather than ‘telephoners’ and workers. For me it is enriching to get to know each other’s situation, to support them, because being work colleagues, they form a big part of our daily life… we spend more than 7 hours a day together.

My tips

The Outlook Calendar, integrated with Teams, is my basic tool to know when you have meetings and when you have time to do your daily tasks.

Finally, I would recommend everyone to remove notifications of any kind from their mobile phone because they tend to be very distracting. Also work with music that you like, it tends to help concentration and motivation.

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