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‘My day-to-day life at Telefónica’, by Nelson Alejandro Rodríguez

am one of those who need to release all that energy before starting the day, and for that, the gym is my sanctuary. Yes, the world thanks me, because after that release, there's less stress for everyone (and for humanity)!

Find out more about Nelson Alejandro Rodríguez's day-to-day life at Telefónica.

Nelson Alejandro Rodríguez

Reading time: 3 min

My start to the day

Exercise is not just about being physically fit, it’s also a way to prepare the mind. While I’m lifting weights or doing my routine, it’s as if my thoughts are clearing. When I finish my session, I feel refreshed, ready to face the day and with a clear mind for what’s ahead. And right then and there, that’s when I say, ‘Now it’s on to the day!’

Then? Well, after that comes the part that my doggies have decided is theirs. Yes, my dear furry friends! They call the shots. If you ask me why I have dogs, I’ll tell you it’s clearly to take them out (and keep burning energy in the process!). It’s a routine we’ve perfected: they walk me, and I follow behind, and we’re all happy.

My work tools

Like my dogs, my tools also keep me on the move. I’m always tinkering with new technologies, especially since AI came into my life, it’s been like love at first sight. However, my best friends are still the same as ever: Outlook and Teams – they are my inseparable allies! With them, I manage to coordinate my global role that has me working across several time zones, which means that my day… starts several times!

Of course, to survive so much back and forth, I organise myself well: I use my diary as if it were my compass, and also tools like Canvas or Planner that help me to keep everything clear, so that neither urgent nor non-urgent tasks escape me!

My best moment of the day

Now, I’ll confess something: I have a little ritual that really makes my day great, and I’m not talking about meetings. It’s my two breakfasts! Yes, yes, you read that right.

The first breakfast is with my colleagues in the office. It’s our time to catch up, share stories, talk about what’s going on in the world and have a few laughs before we get down to the emails and meetings. This is a ritual that only happens when I go to the office, but it’s one of those little moments that start the day off on the right foot.

And then comes my favourite: the second ‘breakfast’. Why is it special? Because it’s when Brazil wakes up! I love those moments because they take me straight back to the time when I lived there. While I’m making myself a coffee, my Brazilian colleagues start to connect, and even though I’ve been working for a while now, this is the perfect moment for a virtual coffee. The best part? We speak in Portuguese, and every conversation fills me with nostalgia, taking me back to those days in Brazil. It’s like taking a little trip back in time without leaving my desk. Those minutes of chatting, laughing and coffee recharge my batteries for the rest of the day.

A few tips on how to stay organised

Now, let’s talk about how I keep everything under control (or at least try to). I’m a firm believer in routines, because without them, I’m chaos. You can’t imagine how many times I go back to see if I’ve locked the door or turned off the gas. So, at work, routines are my salvation!

I like to have everything planned. It allows me to be on autopilot for the more mundane things, and to reserve my creativity for what really matters. My mobile is my best ally. Speaking of which, downtime is my secret to productivity. You know, those little minutes between meetings or while I’m on the go… I use them to write, review ideas or make my AI contributions! It’s not just about multitasking, it’s about making every minute count.

In the end, it’s all about keeping up the pace and being ready for whatever comes next. And so, on to the next day!


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