Data privacy: innovation and trust in the digital economy

The European Data Protection Supervisor has recently published his Opinion on the EC proposals for review of the Data Protection legal framework, welcoming the proposed Regulation but saying...

Reading time: 1 min

Jonny Shipp
Director of Public Affairs at Telefónica


The European Data Protection Supervisor has recently published his Opinion on the EC proposals for review of the Data Protection legal framework, welcoming the proposed Regulation but saying that ‘we are still far from a comprehensive set of data protection rules on national and EU level in all areas of EU policy’.


Telefónica also welcomes the draft Regulation, especially to the extent that it will create a single set of rules that harmonize Europe, apply to everyone offering services to EU citizens and apply across all technologies.


Many important discussions and debates lie ahead, concerning different aspects of the proposals.


As a digital company, Telefónica is naturally interested in achieving harmonization of rules within Europe. And Telefónica is embracing this unique opportunity and challenge to create new ways to give customers greater control over their data whilst at the same delivering innovative services based on that data.


With these questions in mind, Telefónica is delighted to support and participate to this debate with the European Voice which will take place in Brussels on 26th March: Data priv@cy: building trust in the digital economy.


We are looking forward to discussing this with you on Monday and in the months ahead.



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