Communication in the workplace and its influence on business management

Communication has a direct influence on business management. Communication is key to strengthening internal relationships, promoting the commitment of professionals, streamlining and optimising decision-making in teams. If communication is used efficiently, it will lead to higher productivity and much more achievable goals.

Find out more about communication in the workplace and its influence on business management

Lourdes Lázaro Follow

Reading time: 5 min

Communication is important in all areas of our lives. Good communication creates a good working environment and allows professionals to feel more involved in decisions, allowing their training and development to increase, promoting their professional growth.

The advantages of good communication

There are numerous advantages of good communication in our day-to-day work. Some of the simplest and most rewarding examples are when we express something as simple as a ‘good morning’, ‘good afternoon’, ‘happy day’, ‘how are you’. Two-way communication in teams achieves excellent results in terms of motivation, fostering a close and relaxed atmosphere.

Through effective listening, communication aims to get to know our environment, our co-workers and our colleagues better. It is a continuous learning process that helps us to share ideas, opinions and strengthen the link between all of them. Some of the successful outcomes are that it boosts confidence to participate in forums large or small and strengthens self-esteem in growth.

Although the benefits of effective communication in the business world are numerous, here are a few examples:

Through excellent communication it is possible to convey corporate culture and identity to employees. Let us not forget that company professionals are the best transmitters and ambassadors of the company to the outside world, so the better we transmit our information as a company to all of them, the better the image will flow out of our offices.

When communication is two-way, it helps to build trust and maintain good relations between employees and senior management of a company. In this way, possible conflicts that arise in the teams or doubts in the work functions will have a quick response so that productivity increases and the objectives set are achieved. It is important to approach conversations from an emotional perspective.

Business communication allows employees to be informed of the objectives and the strategy pursued by the company so that they know how they must act to contribute to achieving the goals set. This can be done through written, oral or digital means, promoting the use of each company’s corporate tools such as Teams, Workplace or other channels.

Communication always facilitates adaptation to changes within the organisation in companies.

Through communication we can promote employee recognition, highlighting the value of their day-to-day work.

Encouraging participation in corporate social networks contributes to the development and improvement of a business culture and promotes communication between all professionals who are part of a company, carrying out a great job of networking between all areas.

It is important that companies show transparency in their communications and focus on both their external clients and their internal professionals, because when there is an internal and external balance, success is assured.

Corporate networks or digital channels in companies must be used so that communication flows in a balanced way among all professionals, so that employees feel comfortable and confident to talk, publish and share their doubts or queries, and where senior managers have the opportunity to connect with the teams in a closer way.

Companies need to become a close, trustworthy environment, where the security and commitment of all employees is growing all the time. Communication must not be a threat to anyone, it must be comfortable to share and dialogue in order to achieve continuous learning and collaboration objectives.

We have to be able to measure no one by the status they occupy in a company, i.e. position should not be a barrier to effective communication. We should convey the same messages, without distorting information, to everyone in the teams, so that the same guidelines are followed and the same objectives are achieved. When we trust our teams, recognise their work and allow communication to fluctuate, productivity increases.

Disadvantages of poor communication management

Poor communication in the world of work leads to dissatisfaction inside and outside companies, with negative repercussions for sales and team productivity.

If communication does not flow between teams, conflicts are generated due to lack of clarity in roles or guidelines and the commitment necessary to develop our work is lost.

Demotivation is a point to take into account in the lack of communication and, if there is no connection between professionals and managers, motivation decreases, leading to conflict situations, misunderstandings and, in some cases, unwanted sick leave.

When teams are not allowed to participate in meetings, in corporate social networks and are excluded from any flow of information, we get a negative, unmotivated and low-productivity environment.


In conclusion, I believe that as a Telefónica professional, we have made great progress in terms of two-way communication between employees and managers. Thanks to the great evolution of digital tools and the implementation of teleworking, we have managed to feel more involved in all meetings and forums. We can now write through digital tools, make calls to check whether professionals are accessible or not and we have the possibility of participating in internal corporate networks of Meetings with Executives by participating and expressing our opinion freely.

The evolution of communication has continuity and we must ensure that it flows naturally, without the need to work through tools that force a forced meeting between professionals. The good use of communication is based on naturalness in all its versions, without obligations or guidelines.

Bringing people together must be everyone’s objective, with the sole benefit of feeling good in a business environment, without conflict or demotivation.

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