Claims: The new pillar of business success

I believe that a complaint is not always a threat; it is often an opportunity in disguise.

Find out more about complaints: The new pillar of business success.

Gaspar González Jurado-Gutiérrez Follow

Reading time: 10 min

What if the dark side of the company was one of our greatest sources of success?

All of us who have managed business areas know that customer complaints are inevitable. While they can often seem like a real challenge, they also offer valuable opportunities to improve and strengthen customer loyalty.

More than six years ago, I was assigned the responsibility of managing Telefónica Spain’s complaint centres. I admit that, at the time, I was very apprehensive. It was uncharted territory for me, where complaints seemed to be the company’s main adversary. However, today I can proudly say that this challenge has become one of the most enriching experiences of my professional life.

In my first weeks, I quickly realised that complaints should not be perceived as threats, but as opportunities in disguise. This change in perspective transformed my approach, helping me to see the true value of effective customer service in retention and problem resolution.

What was once seen as the ‘dark side’ of the company has now become a cornerstone, providing a competitive advantage in a market where products, services and pricing are no longer enough to stand out. We have proven that resolving a complaint efficiently not only satisfies the customer, but also generates lasting loyalty.

From Complaint to Applause: The Power of Exceptional Customer Service

Before diving into the realm of complaints, it is critical to understand the integral relevance of customer service and to analyse key statistics that highlight its importance.

What is Customer Service?

Customer service encompasses all efforts aimed exclusively at satisfying customers’ needs, including the resolution of their questions, concerns, suggestions and complaints. It involves constant contact with customers, which can consolidate a solid relationship with both the company and potential buyers.

The Importance of Good Customer Service

The importance of customer service is reflected in its ability, when properly executed, to generate loyalty and trust, which can translate into a significant increase in business revenue. Quality service also contributes to an organisation’s reputation and reduces the costs associated with acquiring new customers.

Revealing Statistics

Here are some statistics that underline the importance of good customer service:

Loyalty and Profit

  • A 5% increase in customer retention rates can boost profits by 25% to 95% (Source: Bain & Company).
  • Companies that deliver an outstanding customer experience experience experience revenue growth between 4% and 8% above the market (Source: Bain & Company).
  • Organisations with a strong customer service strategy enjoy a 92% retention rate (Source: Aberdeen).
  • 84% of companies that improve customer experience report an increase in revenue (Source: Dimension Data).

Trust and Recommendations

  • 79% of consumers want brands to show interest before making a purchase (Source: Wunderman).
  • After a positive experience, 77% of customers would be willing to recommend a company (Source: Temkin).
  • 72% of consumers share their positive experiences with more than six people (Source: ThinkJar).
  • If their problem is resolved, 70% of dissatisfied customers would be willing to forgive and buy again (Source: Glance).

The Effects of Poor Customer Service

On the other hand, it is crucial to be aware of the negative effects of poor customer service. These statistics emphasise the importance of providing excellent customer service and the impact it can have on both the bottom line and brand perception:

  • It takes 12 positive experiences to counteract one negative experience (Source: Business Insider).
  • Customer service problems increase the likelihood of customers buying from competitors by four times (Source: Bain & Company).
  • 40% of consumers start buying from competitors because of poor customer service (Source: Zendesk).
  • Lack of appreciation is the main reason for customers to switch products and services (Source: New Voice Media).
  • 51% of customers will not buy from a company again after a negative experience (Source: New Voice Media).

From Chaos to Solution: Customer Service with a Funny Touch

Now that we understand the relevance of quality customer service, let’s dive into the exciting world of complaints.

Why are complaints the Hidden Jewel of Business Success?

When a customer complains, it usually feels like they are at the centre of an emotional hurricane. But, let’s stop for a moment and change the perspective. Complaints are not the end of the world; in fact, they are diamonds in the rough in the world of customer service. They are like those mysterious, magical packages you receive on your doorstep, and you don’t know what’s inside until you open them.

Imagine that each claim is an unexpected gift, wrapped in a peculiar paper and full of potential. These gifts reveal something essential: what is not working perfectly in the company. Most importantly, customers who take the time to complain are giving clear signals that they care about our business. They would rather see it improve than simply say goodbye forever. In other words, they are saying, ‘Hey, I want to stay part of your world, but we need to understand each other better!

Complaint vs. Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is like a happy tune floating through the air, filling your ears with joy. But every now and then, that melody is interrupted by a discordant note: a complaint. While it may initially seem like an obstacle on the road to customer satisfaction, in reality, it is an opportunity to elevate that melody.

Imagine you are enjoying a song and suddenly someone adds an unexpected note that transforms the whole melody, making it sound even more captivating. This is precisely what happens when you handle a complaint efficiently. By solving the problem properly and exceeding the customer’s expectations, you turn that initial dissonance into a brilliant harmony. The customer, instead of simply being satisfied, may end up more excited and grateful than ever. This act of exceptional care and service not only resolves the initial complaint, but also strengthens their loyalty to your company, making them loyal and delighted.

Loyalty: The Holy Grail of Customer Service

Loyalty is the holy grail of customer service, the most precious jewel in the treasury of our business. And do you know how to get there? Not through black magic or dark tricks, but by mastering the art of customer service during complaints.

Imagine you are a benevolent sorcerer who can transform customer dissatisfaction into eternal loyalty. When you turn a dissatisfied customer into an enthusiastic advocate of your brand, you are performing a genuine act of magic. It’s as if you’ve cast a spell that causes the customer to not only come back one more time, but also to speak well of you to friends and family. It’s a chain of magical events that starts with customer service during complaints.

Lightning, Lightning and Claims: Become a Customer Service Hero

Now that we’ve laid the foundation and recognised the importance of customer service, it’s time to dive into practical strategies. We’ll explore how to excel at customer service during complaints, transforming every obstacle into an opportunity to strengthen your customer relationships and improve the quality of your business.

Mastering Active Listening: The Superpower that Transforms Customer Service

Imagine being a superhero with supersonic ears, able to catch every word and emotion of the customer, thanks to the power of ‘Active Listening’. This skill is crucial in customer service, making you a strong advocate for customer satisfaction.

Active listening is not just about listening; it’s about fully immersing yourself in the customer experience without interruptions or rushed judgements. You send a clear message: you care, you want to understand their perspective and you are committed to solving their problem

Visualise the customer as a character in distress, facing challenges. Your supersonic ears pick up not only their words, but also their underlying emotions: frustration, worry, confusion. You become an ally who not only listens, but also empathises.

Active listening is the first step in addressing the client’s concerns. By understanding their point of view, you can offer more effective and personalised solutions, strengthening the relationship and building trust.

Feet in Their Shoes: The Power of Empathy to Forge Strong Bonds.

In the realm of customer service, empathy is an essential superpower. Imagine you are a superhero whose most powerful skill is not a cape or a shiny suit, but empathy: the ability to put yourself in the customer’s shoes and see the world from their perspective.

What would a superhero be without empathy? Empathy allows you to deeply understand the customer’s point of view, experience their concerns and feel what they feel. It’s like an emotional radar that connects you directly to the emotions and needs of the person on the other end of the phone or at the counter.

When you put yourself in the customer’s shoes, you show genuine concern. You not only hear their words, you feel their experience. This emotional connection establishes a powerful bond that goes beyond the business transaction. The customer doesn’t just see you as a problem solver, but as someone who cares about their well-being.

Imagine every interaction with the customer as a movie scene in which you exchange roles with the protagonist. This emotional immersion allows you to better understand their challenges, frustrations and expectations, enabling you to offer more relevant and effective solutions tailored to their specific needs.

Don’t Let the Complaint Get Tough: Strategies for Immediate Resolution

Imagine being a lightning bolt in a storm, lighting the way to problem resolution in customer service. Speed in resolving problems is crucial, as delay only intensifies dissatisfaction.

You must move with lightning agility, addressing problems immediately. Customer frustration increases with every minute that passes without a solution. Your ability to act quickly demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction and helps alleviate customer frustration.

When a problem cannot be solved immediately, your superpower is honest communication and the ability to set realistic deadlines. Keeping the customer informed of achievable timelines gives them a sense of control over the situation. Meeting these deadlines is essential, as nothing disappoints more than a broken promise.

Creative Superpowers: Unleash Your Imagination to Solve Challenges.

In the exciting world of customer service, creativity is your secret superpower. Don’t be afraid to let your imagination fly high and think outside the box.

The key here is to break the routine and unleash your creativity. Imagine you are a superhero in front of a blank canvas, and the client’s problem is your opportunity to create an outstanding feat. Don’t be afraid to use bold colours and bold strokes; it’s precisely these elements that can transform a complaint into an admirable success story.

An unconventional solution can not only solve the customer’s problem, but also pleasantly surprise them. When the customer experiences a response that exceeds their expectations, they not only feel satisfied, but also become a strong advocate for your brand.

Don’t Fade Away: The Key to Effective Post-Complaint Follow-Up

Here’s an undeniable truth: no one likes a superhero who disappears after resolving the situation. In reality, a superhero’s job doesn’t end when the danger is gone. Instead of flying off into the horizon and relaxing in the Fortress of Solitude, you must use your superpower in a crucial phase: following up with your clients.

Imagine you are a superhero with the gift of omnipresence, able to be everywhere at once. Your mission is to make sure that your customers are really satisfied with the solution you provided them with. How can you do that? With a friendly email, a phone call, or even a smoky message if it suits you (although email is often more effective).

The key is to show that you are present not just in times of crisis, but at every stage of the process. Don’t just be the superhero who shows up only when there are problems; become the superhero who is also there on sunny days, enjoying and sharing the journey with your customers. Continuous attention shows your true commitment and establishes you as a trusted advocate for their well-being.

Learn from Complaints: Superheroes Don’t Leave Hints, They Take Notes!

Customer service complaints are like messages in bottles tossed into the ocean of your operations. But like a true superhero, don’t just solve problems and move on. Harness another valuable power: learning from complaints.

Imagine that every complaint is a clue left by a wily enemy. Don’t underestimate them, they will guide you towards constant improvement. Instead of rushing to get rid of the problem, reflect on what went wrong and how to avoid it in the future. Every complaint is a supervillain that gives you clues to strengthen your processes and prevent future problems.

So grab your magnifying glass and detective hat. Like Sherlock Holmes, investigate every detail of the claim, question colleagues and look for innovative solutions. With every complaint solved, you become a stronger and wiser superhero, ready to face challenges and achieve excellence in customer service.


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