CIPL promotes the debate on privacy and data

The Centre for Information Policy Leadership (CIPL), organised the 3rd Workshop on Privacy and Data in Madrid.

María José Lanuza Follow

Reading time: 1 min

Carlos López Blanco

The Centre for Information Policy Leadership (CIPL), organised the 3rd Workshop on privacy and data in Madrid, which lasted two days and was attended by 140 participants from various multinational companies and data protection agencies from several countries and representatives of the European Commission in order to try to sift through the implications of the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the European regulation on privacy and confidentiality.

Telefónica was represented by Carlos López Blanco, Global Director of Public and Regulatory Affairs, and Chema Alonso, Chief Data Officer. López Blanco spoke about the value of data and how Telefónica applies the criteria of transparency and security in its relationship with customers, and Chema Alonso presented the Fourth Platform and how Telefónica plans to integrate it into its relationship with its customers.

Issues such as transparency in the relationship with customers, consent to the processing of their personal data, or the legitimate interest of companies in certain processing scenarios, were covered as part of the presentations. With regard to each of these points, the depth of debate was particularly evident between the representatives of the European authorities and the representatives of the industry itself.

The CIPL is an international think tank with a presence in Washington DC, Brussels and London, which works with industry leaders, regulatory authorities and policy makers to develop global solutions and best practice in the field of privacy and the responsible use of data in the new digital environment.

Chema Alonso

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