Child Protection Online: EU-U.S. collaboration on exchange of Best Practices

Neelie Kroes, Vice-President for the European Commission and Commissioner for Digital Agenda recently made a Joint Statement with Janet Napolitano , Secretary for the US...

Reading time: 1 min


Jonny Shipp
Director of Public Affairs at Telefónica

Neelie Kroes, Vice-President for the European Commission and Commissioner for Digital Agenda recently made a Joint Statement with Janet Napolitano, Secretary for the US Department of Homeland Security about cooperation to make the Internet a better place for children.

In Commissionner Kroes blog, you can also find the main points of this joint statement.

This is a relevant issue for Telefónica, which has demonstrated its commitment to protecting the youngest users of new technologies through several initiatives including implementation of a single button for reporting abuse or through dedicated services and products, education measures and strategic alliances.

Eva Castillo, Chairwoman and CEO of Telefónica Europe welcomed the initiative, highlighting Telefónica’s commitment to helping keep children safe online by both offering and using technology, and by delivering expert guidance.

She underlined Telefónica’s leading role in the work of the CEO Coalition to make the Internet a better place for kids and well as its support for Safer Internet Day every year since it started in February 2003.

You can see her in this video, welcoming the initiative:

Telefónica is committed to supporting the exchange of best practices between EU and US industry, NGOs and government departments in areas including building awareness of online safety issues, empowering children and parents and fighting online child exploitation.

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