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Campus Party is back in Spain!

As a yearly meeting, from the 11th to the 17th July, the Spanish City of Arts and Science , Valencia, will be hosting the XVth Anniversary of Campus Party and Telefónica is part of this...

Natalia Moreno Rigollot

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As a yearly meeting, from the 11th to the 17th July, the Spanish City of Arts and Science, Valencia, will be hosting the XVth Anniversary of Campus Party and Telefónica is part of this relevant event! Telefónica will bring the technological part with IPv6 and LTE solutions, especially for the event!

As you probably know, Campus Party was launched in 1997 in Spain, being at its initials a “LAN party” gathering computer passionate. Little by little, the event has widened its scope and it is now considered as the largest technology, electronic leisure and online digital culture event in the world. It is organized in different countries of the world such as Spain, Colombia, México, on a yearly basis. In the next months Campus Party will arrive to Brazil, Ecuador, Chile and even to the USA!

Every year, for seven days, thousands of participants from all over the world with their computers meet in a specific place to share interests, exchange experiences and carry out all kinds of activities related to communications and new technologies.

The human factor is at the heart of the Campus Party but also knowledge, top level contents and also with a pragmatic perspective as there are several competitions to determine best works and apps that could be useful for society, people and businesses, giving visibility to best developers!

To have a better overview of this huge event, have a look at this BBC video in YouTube on Campus Party….Amazing!!!


The agenda for next week´ Campus Party in Valencia is amazing, with top level speakers such as Ferrá Adriá, a reference of the innovation in the Spanish gastronomy, Andreu Veà, President of the Spanish Chapter of Internet Society, Carlos Ralli-Ucendo, specialist of IPv6 and coordinator of Telefónica´s delegation at IETF, Amira Al Hussaini, relevant blogger, regional editor for Middle East and North of Africa in Global Voices, James Parton, responsible of BlueVia, Erik Schltink, CTO of, Kevin Mitnick, one of the most famous ex-hackers, John Hall “Maddog”, Executive Director of Linux International amongst others.

There will be discussions around hot issues related to communications like IPv6, Internet and Human Rights, IPRs and legal framework, etc… and full of other interesting and funny events.

Have a look at the agenda here and be ready to follow it through Twitter hashtag #cpes15 or even through the specific Campus Party TV!

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