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Brazil: We are looking for social entrepreneurs. The award: R$ 10,000

Continuing its commitment to develop social innovation in the countries where it operates , Telefónica took advantage of the Campus Party 2013 celebrated in Brazil last...

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Continuing its commitment to develop social innovation in the countries where it operates, Telefónica took advantage of the Campus Party 2013 celebrated in Brazil last month to launch “Desafío Tecnologías que Transforman” (Challenge Technologies for Change).

The aim of this initiative is to identify the best entrepreneurial ideas that promote social benefit in the fields of health, education, volunteering, income generation, natural disasters or NGOs.

“Desafío Tecnologías que Transforman” is divided in three stages:

  • The first one consists in the production of a video (length of 2 minutes maximum) and a short presentation of the project that must be submitted to Fundación Telefónica Vivo before 3 March 2013 (click here to send your application). On 18 March Fundación Telefónica Vivo will release a list with the 80 projects that are best structured and positioned to become a successful business.
  • For the second stage, the 80 remaining candidates will need to transform their original idea into a business pre-project explaining its stages and execution. A commission will assess the 80 pre-projects and, on 15 April 2013, Fundación Telefónica Vivo will release a list with the best 30 pre-projects for the third and last stage.
  • For the third stage, Fundación Telefónica Vivo will organize an event in which the 30 candidates will be invited to present their projects in person. On 1 July, Fundación Telefónica Vivo will release a list with the 10 winners, which will get a grant up to R$ 10,000 to develop their projects. Participants who do not win the prize will have their projects directed to a crowdfunding platform where they will have the possibility to raise funds for the execution of their ideas.

Telefónica launched this initiative just a few weeks after joining the European Commission ‘Grand Coalition’ to boost digital skills, innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe and unveiling bold targets for 2015 to combat unemployment and close the digital skills shortfall in Europe.

For more information about the launch of “Desafío Tecnologías que Transforman” check the Telefónica CR & Sustainability blog and remember the award: R$ 10,000 (US$ 5,000)!

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