Benefits of digital education

From the variety of offerings to increased autonomy and improved technological skills, digital education offers a number of advantages. Discover them in this article of our blog.

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Digital education can be defined as the educational and/or training modality that transforms learning and teaching processes through ICT.

The main characteristics on which this type of educational model is based refer to the use of virtual classrooms or environments, remote interactions between teachers and students, spatial and temporal flexibility, greater possibilities for self-learning or access to interactive digital content.

Digital education has a number of advantages both for those involved in the educational process (such as teachers and students) and for institutions. Let us see what they are.

Advantages of digital education

  • Increased autonomy. As it is an educational modality with a lax timetable, it generates a high degree of discipline and individual responsibility among students. It can also be very useful for people who, due to their life circumstances, cannot physically travel or comply with pre-established timetables, characteristics that also serve to enhance autonomy.
  • Personalised education. Due to the nature of this education, there can be a high degree of personalisation, making it possible to focus on the specific needs of each person.
  • Improvement of digital competences. Although it may seem redundant, students in digital education enhance their skills in different digital tools with which they must manage in order to access the resources offered by this educational model with a greater degree of efficiency. This development of digital skills may not be limited to the educational sphere alone, but may also have a practical application in the world of work.
  • Different learning styles. Educational technology applied to distance education allows the use of pedagogical approaches and resources adapted to different learning styles, promoting issues such as educational innovation or the personal growth of students.
  • Cost reduction. By not requiring attendance at physical spaces or transfers, cost savings are generated at different levels such as transport, materials or the use of spaces.
  • Variety in the offer. The possibility of accessing numerous programmes and courses digitally means that the catalogue of training available to the population as a whole is extremely varied.
  • Greater teaching interactivity. The availability of digital resources such as videos, simulations or interactive activities can serve to make learning more attractive from a perspective that allows greater possibilities for participation and experimentation, which results in a greater possibility of absorbing information. In fact, studies show that our brain retains 10% of what it reads or 20% of what it hears compared to 90% retention of what it experiences.
  • Better planning. The organisation and preparation of content or teaching sessions can benefit from the digitisation of education.
  • Increased reach. With no physical or access barriers or limitations, the potential reach of virtual education is greater.

Disadvantages of digital education

Although digital education has all these advantages, we cannot lose sight of the fact that it also has a number of issues that can be considered as disadvantages.

The social isolation that can be generated is a situation to be taken into account as it makes it possible to develop less the skills of working in a group or socialising.

Also, the lack of common commuting and recreational facilities can lead to a reduction in physical activity.

It may also be more difficult to disconnect from the internet or the digital world.

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