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Annual Data Summit Live!

Schedule 1:30 PM               CETRegistration 2:00 PM...

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1:30 PM               CETRegistration

2:00 PM               CETOpening remarks by the Moderator

2:05 PM               CETOpening presentation by our Partner John Foster, Strategy Director, Telefónica

2:15 PM               CETInterview with Andrus Ansip, European Commission Vice-President for the Digital Single Market

2:35 PM               CETVideo Interview: Justin Antonipillai, Counselor, Delegated Duties of Under Secretary for Economic Affairs, US Department of Commerce

2:45 PM               CETPanel I: Consumer Choice: Openness, Portability and Interoperability in the Digital Domain

The digital revolution is transforming every activity from shopping to watching films and logistics. Consumers are happy to share their pictures and likes on social media like                                     Facebook and Pinterest and these services have billions of users. But the popularity of some platforms is raising fears that consumers could be denied choice by being locked                               in to using certain services.

  • What needs to be done to ensure portability and interoperability?
  • Is more regulation of platforms needed or is existing competition law enough?
  • Wilhelm Eschweiler, BEREC Chair 2016 and Vice-President, BNetzA
  • Evelyne Gebhardt MEP, Member of the Parliament’s Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee
  • Mats Granryd, Director General, GSMA

3:25 PM               CETCoffee break

3:55 AM               CETPanel II: From Startup to Global Challenger: Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Tech companies dominate the startup landscape. London and Berlin have become centers of tech innovation and investors from Silicon Valley flock there to find promising businesses to invest in. The challenges for tech startups is how to grow to become international players. What needs to be done to help fledgling tech businesses to expand? Will there ever be a European Google or Facebook? What can be done to improve the links between universities and the business world?

  • Hervé Le Jouan, Founder and CEO, Privowny
  • Ann Mettler, Head of European Political Strategy Centre, European Commission
  • Omar Mohout, Professor of Entrepreneurship, Antwerp Management School and Belgium Ambassador, World Startup Report

4:45 PM               CETConcluding Remarks and Networking Reception

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