IT analysts must have a positive attitude towards change

Eliana Ramponi, from Telefónica de Argentina's Information Management department, explains what the job of an IT analyst consists of, how important it is and what characteristics are needed.

Eliana Ramponi

Eliana Ramponi Follow

Reading time: 2 min

What does your work at Telefónica consist of?

In recent years I have been heavily involved in communication and its management within the teams and projects where I was an active member in the IT area. Communication is something I am passionate about.

Until a few weeks ago, I worked in project management and KPIs, reporting to Cristian Tarrio Godoy. I am currently joining a new team, organised into collaborative cells. My cell is Information Management and the PM is Fernanda Franceschini. Although the cell is just starting up and I have a lot to learn, the idea is to be able to unify information, presentations and communications within the area.

What is the importance of an IT analyst?

I can think of many scenarios and definitions because it is a very broad field of specifications. I think that fundamentally, its importance lies in being the architect of changes that have an impact on the company and fundamentally on society, transformations linked to technology, communication and the impact that this has in different areas.

In all my years in IT, I have seen wonderful projects that, by the mere fact of being implemented, change reality. And I have been proud to work with those people.

What profile should a person dedicated to this have?

I consider it extremely important to have a positive attitude towards change. To have the learner mode switched on. To be confident in contributing knowledge and a way of seeing things.

How has this profession evolved with the advance of digital transformation?

Very much so. And I believe it will continue to grow, given the reality in which we live.

How can the development of artificial intelligence influence the work of an IT analyst?

It can be incorporated into their daily life, as a tool that optimises and gives space to new ideas.

Who do you consider to be excellent at their job at Telefónica?

It’s so hard to choose just one! Can it be two? I nominate Gutiérrez Cáceres José Daniel, because we have shared projects in recent years and he has been an admirable colleague and professional. Also Cristian Tarrio Godoy, for pushing me to be the best version of myself and trusting in my ability to take on new challenges.

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