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Telefónica pays tribute to the centenary ‘telefónicos’

Through emotional meetings with the oldest former employees, the company wanted to pay tribute to workers who are a fundamental part of Telefónica's history.


Telefónica has paid tribute to a dozen former employees who have been with the company for 100 years or more, a particularly moving event in the context of the company’s centenary, organised by the various regional teams.

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From Galicia to Extremadura, passing through Aragón and the Madrid region, throughout the months of the Centenary, Telefónica has been remembering some of its oldest former employees, a key element in the construction of the company’s foundations.

‘If this company is 100 years old today, it is because of people like you’, said José María Álvarez-Pallete, Chairman of Telefónica, to Patrocinio Robledo, who in 1973 became Telefónica’s first female director.

And there is no present or future without those who paved the way in the past.

Telefónica and the elderly

Founded in 1994, the Telefónica Seniors Group Association has 20,000 members, including retirees and early retirees, with three main aims in its activity: volunteering and social action, active ageing and relations with other entities in the world of the elderly.

This is a group that on 1 October commemorates the International Day of Older Persons.

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