Álvarez-Pallete in Miami: “We are on the threshold of a new era of innovation, change and productivity: the Industrial Internet”

Under the slogan “Driving Digital Business”, the 13th Telefónica Leadership Conference gathered together this week in Miami more than 600 executives from multinationals and large...

Chema Alonso

Chema Alonso Follow

Reading time: 2 min

Under the slogan “Driving Digital Business”, the 13th Telefónica Leadership Conference gathered together this week in Miami more than 600 executives from multinationals and large corporations in order to assess recent technological developments and current-day innovative trends and to analyse opportunities for large companies and business leaders.In addition, the event was attended by global leaders and inspirational figures such as Muhammad Yunus, promoter of the concepts of microcredit and microfinance and winner of the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize; Felipe Calderón, President of Mexico from 2006 to 2012; and Louis Freeh, FBI director between 1993 and 2001.

Big Data, Cloud and Security: keys to the new era

During his opening speech, The COO of Telefónica, José María Álvarez-Pallete, listed the main tendencies of the hyper-connected world, which is changing the way of doing things:

  • “The world is on the threshold of a new wave of innovation, change and productivity, the Industrial Internet, and a new era of productivity, growth and wealth”.
  • “The success of businesses will depend, among other things, on appropriate information management, which will be exponentially multiplied by the increase in connectivity, the ability to digitize it and store it in devices in the cloud, and to manage it, ensuring the required security and privacy levels.
  • The Big Data, Cloud and Security solutions are keys to the future challenges of multinationals and large corporations.”

In addition, Alvarez-Pallete highlighted the main rails of Telefónica’s positioning: of The transformation process undertaken by the company, which has moved on from selling voice services to become a data company, speeding up the adaptation of its networks and systems with a significant commitment to investment in order to provide the broad experience and technological capabilities of a digital telco.

  • The turn of Telefónica into a sector leader with a global reach, positioned as an ally of reference to support corporations and multinationals in their growth and business challenges.
  • The work of Telefónica to set up a digital ecosystem that applies the principle of the same services and same rules for all the agents in the value chain.

Thirteen years of success

Over the past thirteen years, the Telefónica Leadership Conference has brought together hundreds of senior executives, experts from industry and global leaders to discuss the challenges and opportunities involved in doing business in America, Europe and Asia.

In addition to the plenary sessions, participants can hold private business meetings with other attendees. Moreover, in recent years the event has assembled some of the principal world leaders in terms of innovative and inspirational thought, allowing them to share experiences and encourage debate.

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