5 uses of AI in copywriting

What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide you with better answers? And how would you like ChatGPT to respond?

Find out more about the 5 uses of AI in Copywriting. Learn about prompting tools. Enter now and don't miss it.

Ana Siles Follow

Reading time: 3 min

Customise Chat GPT

The possibility of customising Chat GPT so that it adapts better to your needs and knows your context, has your characteristics and can generate for you, being coherent with your own personality.

To do this you should look for a menu on the top right hand side of the interface where, when you open it, different options appear and there is one which is to customise or customer. When you open the window you must fill in two fields: What would you like ChatGPT to know about you in order to offer you better answers? And How would you like ChatGPT to respond?

Prompting tools

These are used to create an organised system to manage the prompts you have used with your characteristics, tone, style, preferred format, etc.

The structure of the prompt is usually

  • Context (Include a summary of the context, articles or reports).
  • Topic to address and objective: The what for or the purpose you want to achieve.
  • Audience you are addressing
  • Act as: Role to play in generating the content.
  • Expected result: What you want it to generate for you.

In this article, I will share the use of prompts in copywriting.

5 use cases of AI in Copywriting

According to a HubSpot report, 37% of marketers use AI tools to generate content on their social platforms, including LinkedIn.

These tools allow them to increase efficiency, improve the quality and relevance of messages in different use cases:

Finding an impactful headline for your article

AI-based prompting tools can help optimise titles and subtitles to make them more engaging and visible. You can do this by using specific prompts that engage your audience. For example: ‘Based on my article, act as a sustainability journalist and generate an eye-catching headline to capture the attention of CIOs and CEOs of tech companies’.

This can improve engagement rates on LinkedIn by up to 28%, according to LinkedIn Marketing Solutions.

Improve your content

Once you have your article and post prepared, AI-based prompting tools can help you correct spelling, improve structure, syntax, and better tailor your messages to your target audience in a clear way.

For example: ‘Check out this post on how quantum technology is changing the healthcare industry, improving structure, correcting spelling and making sure the message is clear to a pharmaceutical CEO’.

SEO optimisation

Some prompts are designed to automatically incorporate keywords into your text to improve search visibility.

For example: ‘Optimise this paragraph for SEO’ or ‘Optimise this paragraph on the importance of innovation in technology companies, incorporating the keywords “technology”, “business innovation”, and “digital transformation”.’

Automated AB/Testing

Thanks to AI-based prompting tools, multiple versions of the same message can be created to improve performance in terms of interaction and impact for different segments.

For example: ‘Create two different versions of this message for an A/B test. One version should be formal and targeted at executives, while the other should be more informal and targeted at young professionals’.

Communication style and strategy

Thanks to the use of AI you can define the tone and style of your writing according to your target and the audience you are addressing.

For example:

  • Tone: serious, formal, informal, humorous, informative, reflective, inspirational, ironic, forceful, compelling, etc.
  • Style: Academic, narrative, poetic, persuasive, descriptive, critical, informative, etc.

‘Revise (or create) this article and give it a tone [choose tone: formal, approachable, inspirational, etc.], addressed to [target audience] in an academic style. Make sure to maintain coherence throughout the text.

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