10th annual Safer Internet Day: What´s going on?

Today we are celebrating the 10th Annual Safer Internet Day (SID) under the theme “online rights and responsibilities”, underlining the need to “connect with respect” which it is the slogan...

José Manuel García-Margallo Follow

Reading time: 2 min

Today we are celebrating the 10th Annual Safer Internet Day (SID) under the theme “online rights and responsibilities”, underlining the need to “connect with respect” which it is the slogan of this SID. This is a specific call to responsible use of ICT to whole society, notably to parents, teachers and children.

Since several years, Telefónica continuously contributes to foster the better use of new technologies for those who need more protection: kids and young people.

More specifically, Telefónica has been one of the leading companies in the CEO Coalition since its launch at the end of 2011 by the European Commission, in cooperation with other relevant stakeholders, , reaffirming yearly  its commitment to industry collaboration to make the Internet a better place for children ,  at international level. As an example, we could mention the recent launch of a hotline in Colombia in partnership with the Interactive Generations Forum (IGF) becoming the first hotline member of the Inhope Foundation in Latin America.

Telefónica believes that education must be a priority in order to help children, teachers and parents to connect with respect. In the last year, as part of its commitment to the European Commission’s CEO Coalition, Telefónica has led collaborative efforts between top tech & media companies to provide children and parents with transparent and consistent protection tools designed to enable them to make the most of the online world.

Telefónica continues to foster different initiatives towards the 5 actions defined in the CEO Coalition last year

  • Action 1: Simple and robust reporting tools for users
  • Action 2: Age appropriate privacy settings
  • Action 3: Wider use of Content Classification
  • Action 4: Wider Availability and use of parental controls.
  • Action 5: Effective take down of child abuse material

Today we are reinforcing our compromise and we present  our commitments where we provide information on how the company is increasing actions and initiatives to ensure a responsible use if Internet and other new technologies by children  when accessing and using Internet, but also what it is planned for the year ahead.  You can find the complete statement and plans for the year ahead here.

Happy Safer Internet Day!

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