How to build customer loyalty

We all know that customers are a company's main asset, and in our business, a highly competitive environment full of commercial battles, every contact with the customer is decisive and counts to achieve customer loyalty and maintain enthusiasm for the brand.

Alberto Alfonso Pordomingo Follow

Reading time: 4 min

In the telecommunications sector we work with experiences and emotions, we connect people’s lives, and connecting is much more than deploying fibre or installing mobile coverage base stations, connecting is sharing, getting excited, learning, accessing where we couldn’t reach before, reinventing ourselves no matter where, discovering new opportunities, we connect to give and receive the maximum.

Our networks are not data, not megabytes, they are life, and through the network we connect people’s lives.

In this context, the customer becomes the protagonist and decides with his choice how the company he chooses should behave. The strength of that connection will depend on how well we are able to meet the expectations that our customers have of our products and services. We must ensure that it is strong, loyal and long-lasting, and if we manage to exceed their expectations, we will be able to turn our customers into true fans of the brand.

The goal then is to connect emotionally with the customer and offer them experiences that exceed their expectations.

At this point, we agree that everyone in the organisation must be customer-centric, putting the customer at the centre of all decisions, and that it is the customer’s needs and expectations that guide the organisation’s operations.

All our customers are your customer and each person within the organisation contributes their bit to the Customer Experience. To improve our customers’ experience we need the commitment and dedication of everyone at Telefónica, regardless of the area or team we belong to, working together in a coordinated way will surely make us the most admired company, every detail counts.

At Telefónica we aspire to be one of the most admired companies, and to achieve this we must do our best every day. There are challenges and initiatives that we are developing to win the minds and hearts of our customers. In addition, the new GPS strategic plan presented in November 2023 prioritises the quality of the networks and the increasing importance of the customer.

What can we do to be more and more transparent, to make our customers’ lives easier, bringing them value in every interaction they have with us?

  • Let us work on simplifying our products and services, making them simple, clear and transparent.
  • The best customer service is the one that is not needed, if everything is running smoothly and according to plan, the customer does not contact us, but if for some reason something goes wrong, here our action has to be textbook.
  • We must put ourselves in the customer’s shoes and understand the reason for their contact, analyse it and give them a response. Whether or not we meet their expectations will depend on how skilful we are in receiving, analysing and resolving their incident. We are entering a moment of truth, where promises to the customer must be turned into deeds. Let us act quickly and diligently.
  • Being quick in the resolution of an incident helps to minimise the impact on the customer, but if for any reason we cannot be quick, we must inform the customer of the process and the management in which we are punctually involved. The absence of resolution without information generates dissatisfaction.
  • Let’s avoid complicating our products or services to sell more, if our product is really good and satisfies the customer’s needs, the product will be chosen by the customer, we must avoid certain marketing techniques whose only purpose is to sell more at any price. We must work on creating a relationship of trust.
  • From this we come to the following maxim, all decisions with the client cannot be short term, the approach always has to be medium/long term so that the possible impact on the client is taken into account.
  • Everyone in the organisation must be aligned to offer the best to the customer, and keep this in mind in every decision we make.
  • We are brand ambassadors, we work to ensure that our products and services are excellent, we have a voice to improve them and in the event of any inconvenience, we have ways to solve any incident through tools such as Your Customer or to signal a possible sale in Plan Comparte – MOVISTAR and a training space
  • Send internally your proposals and comments for improvement on any process related to the customer, make your voice heard, we listen to you.
  • Following our Principles for Responsible Business, section seven is dedicated to our commitment to the customer: Telefónica’s Customer Promise, a firm commitment to act with transparency, simplicity and integrity. We must offer what we are sure we can deliver.

In short, put the customer at the centre of all your decisions, be proactive and do not lose the customer focus, it is the best formula to guarantee our present and future.

We are about to celebrate our centenary and are creating the Telefónica of the future, heading for another 100 years, committed to the ever-increasing relevance of the customer.

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