Yanina Sarmiento
Secretary of the Pre-Sales and B2B Customer Provision Department and of Telefónica Educación Digital
My name is Yanina Sarmiento, I am Argentinean from the city of Buenos Aires and I have been living in Spain for 21 years. I have a degree in Tourism, I studied at the University of Deusto (Bilbao - Vizcaya) and the University of Nebrija (Madrid). I currently work as a secretary for the Pre-Sales and B2B Customer Provisioning Department and Telefónica Educación Digital.
In my spare time, I dedicate my time to football with the Movistar Women's Team and I also sing. My stage name is YAS and my Rock Band is called YAS XXI, we have recently released our second single "Rock En Las Venas", you can listen to it on all digital playback platforms.
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