Roberto Rodríguez Dorrego

Roberto Rodríguez Dorrego

Head of Spectrum Strategy, Corporate Strategy

6 publicactions
  • Roberto Rodriguez Dorrego is Head of Spectrum Strategy in Telefonica Group, with responsibilities on Spectrum Auctions across the Telefonica footprint, definition of the Spectrum Strategy and Policy, preparing spectrum valuation, bidding strategy and auction governance, and keeping up internal knowledge for spectrum related technology and policy advancements. He has been involved in spectrum auctions in Spain, Germany, UK, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Mexico.

    He was the chairman of GSMA Spectrum Strategy Management Group from 2017 to 2021, being Telefonica’s representative since its creation in 2006.

    With more than 25 years’ experience on Telecommunications, he has held positions in Technology, Policy and Strategy areas, following specially Spectrum Policy, Technology and Planning for more than 20 years.

    Mr, Rodriguez has participated actively in the ITU work to identify new spectrum for mobile services in WRC-19, WRC-15, WRC-12 and WRC-07, as well as in key groups in ITU, CITEL and CEPT work.


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