Ranking of authors

Weekly updated ranking based on the number of posts per author and content publication dates.

  1. 1
    Chema Alonso

    Chema Alonso

    Chief Digital Officer at Telefónica S.A.

    68 posts
  2. 2
    Natalia Moreno

    Natalia Moreno Rigollot

    Director of Global Institutional Relations at Telefónica

    51 posts
  3. 3
    Nuria Talayero San Miguel

    Nuria Talayero

    Head of Digital Public Policy

    38 posts
  4. 4
    Dácil Jiménez Delgado

    Dácil Jiménez Delgado

    Head of Digital Public Policy, Telefónica S.A.

    31 posts
  5. 5
    Paloma Villa Mateos

    Paloma Villa Mateos

    Head of Digital Public Policy

    28 posts