Rafael Amorós González

Head of Strategic Investments & Portfolio at T.Ventures

  • I am the youngest son of Pedro and Frasqui, I adore them both and Martin's father. Telecommunications Engineer with high knowledge in disruptive technologies such as Cybersecurity, Cloud, Bidgdata, IoT and networks.

    I have complemented my education with an MBA from IE Business School, Entrepreneurship and Innovation Certificate from Stanford University, Venture Capital Executive Program from ISBIF.

    Consolidated experience in business development: Scaling startups from 0 to 100. Additionally, I have assumed End2end of key projects for Telefonica Group. Constant participation in innovation projects as a jury member and disseminator in different programs such as GCHQ, star4big, South Summit, MWC, etc.

    Currently I lead strategic investments from the area of Telefónica Ventures (Telefónica Corporate Venture Capital ) + 5 years in contact with startups and the whole field of entrepreneurship.

    I understand innovation as the only tool to achieve digital transformation and change for new opportunities in the market.

    I am closely linked to the entrepreneurial ecosystem as a Startup Mentor, blogger on innovation in Think Empresas and Business Angel.


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