Paloma Villa Mateos

Paloma Villa Mateos

Head of Digital Public Policy

31 publicactions

Paloma Villa is Head of Digital Public Policy Telefónica S.A. After having worked in the institutional field in the European Union and in international policy in Spain, she has been working for more than 12 years in regulation and public policy applied to the digital sector.

Currently, he contributes to the definition of Telefónica's public positioning and its communication, represents the company in international organizations such as the OECD and the ERT.

She also leads public policy initiatives related to enhancing the positive impact of technologies on societies and the economy. She holds a degree in Political Science and Administration from the Complutense University of Madrid. In addition, she has a Master's degree in European Studies in Aachen (Germany) and a postgraduate degree in Digital Telco at the Polytechnic University of Barcelona.


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