Óscar García

Innovation at Telefónica de España.

2 publicactions
  • I started at Telefónica de España in 2014 for a one-year scholarship from the SEPI foundation, and in July 2015 I joined the staff, in the data platforms and new business engineering team, which at the time was part of the general management of Services and Systems Development. For me, between the fact that I had only recently left university and that what I had studied had little or nothing to do with telecommunications, the truth is that I had the feeling of entering a completely new world. As I always say when I am asked: I arrived here without knowing what an IP address was.

    In engineering, we were dedicated to managing the capacity of value-added services for companies, on two levels: on the one hand, we sized from year to year what the capacity differential was going to be based on business forecasts, on the customer funnel. On the other hand, we also had to foresee obsolescence or architecture evolutions for some important change or to incorporate new functionalities to these services. We budgeted for these needs and executed them in production in the following year, in coordination with other technical groups, suppliers, in parallel with Support and Operations, and upstream with the areas of Service Development, Technology and Marketing.

    In the next few years, about a year before the pandemic, we changed roles and put on the cap of end-to-end capacity planners. It was a bit like before, but leaving aside the engineering activity on the plant floor, to put all the focus on capacity management in its different aspects: compute, disk, licences?

    And just with the pandemic, in November 2020 and teleworking from home, I ended up in Innovation, which is where I am now. I look back and these almost four years have flown by. What can I say? When I tell them what we do in Innovation, they are surprised and, although it's wrong to say it, we are a bit envious (of the good kind) and I almost always hear ‘what cool things you do there’. As Telefónica is so big and touches so many verticals, I think this carries over to the way we work, so we take on very diverse pilot projects, always working with customers from very different sectors, implementing solutions with them that in the end are new ways of doing things, innovative products, processes or services, and which put the company's technological capabilities to the test, especially the 5G mobile network.

    In short, I feel very fortunate to be in what I believe is the best area of one of the best companies in Spain.


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