Julio Linares López
Director of the Supervisory Board of Telefónica Germany and a Trustee of Fundación Telefónica
He joined Telefónica's Research and Studies Center in 1970. He was Director of Technology in 1984 and General Manager of Telefónica I+D in 1990. He was also responsible for Marketing and Services Development in the Commercial Area in 1995. In 1997 he was Chief Executive Officer of Telefónica Multimedia. He was Executive Chairman of Telefónica de España from 2000 to 2005. From 2007 to 2012 he was Chief Executive Officer of Telefónica, S.A. and then Vice-Chairman of its Board of Directors until 2017.
He is currently a Director of the Supervisory Board of Telefónica Germany and a Trustee of Fundación Telefónica.
Representing Telefónica, he is a member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors of the CEOE and Chairman of its Digital Society Commission; Trustee of the CEDE Foundation and Trustee of the CRE100DO Foundation.
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