Julio Jesús Sánchez

Halthcare and Digital Transformation Projects Manager

    My work at Telefónica has always revolved around information technology and project management. In recent years I have been focused on bringing digital transformation to our major clients, companies and public administrations, and, more specifically, on the digital transformation of the health sector, which I understand is the concept behind the term digital health. My responsibilities include the pre-sales area (preparing the offers that are delivered to clients) and project execution (delivering to the client the value that we have committed to in the contracted offers).

    In addition to my work at Telefónica, my knowledge of digital health has led me to become a member of the board of directors of the Asociación Salud Digital, a non-profit organisation aimed at promoting its expansion and knowledge in Spain, and also to be the coordinator of the digital health working group at the Official College of Telecommunications Engineers.


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