Juan José Rodríguez Lupiáñez
Network and IT Strategy and Development Management
My name is Juan José Rodríguez Lupiáñez. I am 50 years old, married and the father of a 16 year old girl. I am from a small village in Granada, in the Alpujarra.
I have a degree in computer engineering from the University of Granada and an MBA from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. I started working in small companies in the telecommunications sector until I came to Telefonica in 2000, so almost 25 years now. I have worked in different companies of the group, TSIP, Telefonica Mobile Solutions, Telefonica Soluciones and finally in Telefonica Móviles España.
Currently I work in the Technological Innovation department within Operations and Network. Our work is exciting, because we are at the forefront of technology touching everything where Telefonica can or has something to say, mobile technologies, fixed, TV, Artificial Intelligence, Quantum, virtual/augmented reality, etc.
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