José Sevilla

José Sevilla

Channel Strategy (B2C)

1 publicaction

    In 2023 I have been with the company for 10 years, at the time of my recruitment we were going through difficult family moments with a 6 month old baby at home and doing everything to get ahead, when they gave me the news I felt that they threw me a lifeline and took me to safe harbour, because it was a dream to join a company of such prestige at national and international level, I felt the perfect opportunity to make a career, although the beginning was not easy because of the size of the challenge that was presented to me today I feel very happy and proud of the road I have travelled.

    I have worked in different areas of the company and from all of them I keep what I have learned, with the positive things of all the people I have worked with. Currently I am with a wonderful team that pushes you to do things at a very high level of excellence, but at the same time we are empathetic, supportive and above all good people who support each other in the good times and in the somewhat more complicated moments.


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