José María Bolufer

José María Bolufer de Francia

Head of Responsible Business and Sustainable Innovation at Telefónica

4 publicactions

I am Telecommunications Engineer (Polytechnic University of Valencia), Master in mobile communications (Deusto University), and MBA (Instituto de Empresa) with an extensive added training in matters related to sustainability and sustainable finance (CESGA® certification). 

After having held various positions in technical areas of engineering, innovation, product development, and marketing in Telefónica, in 2016 I joined the Corporate Global Sustainability Area where I handle promoting ESG (Environmental, Social or Governance) business development and sustainable innovation. 

In my role I have also promoted the analysis and evaluation of the socio-economic impact as a key tool to know how the organization can contribute to society through reports, such as the study of the impact of connectivity in rural areas in Spain or the annual impact report of the company. 


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