Gonzalo Abalo

Gonzalo Abalo Álvarez

Head of Innovation Enablers -TID

3 publicactions
  • Gonzalo Abalo is Head of Business Analysis & Processes in the Global Devices Unit of CDO Telefónica Digital since 2013. He is responsible for strategic oversight, procurement, supplier management and business analysis. Previously he was at Telefónica International coordinating the design and development of different operations projects for the entire Latin America region.

    Winner in the V edition in 2020 of the Sustainable Innovation Initiative with the project "Zero Emissions Devices", a solution that allows customers to offset the carbon footprint generated by the purchase of their smartphone with blockchain technology.

    Gonzalo holds a degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Vigo and an MBA in Managing the Digital Telco from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

    When he is not running a marathon or preparing for a triathlon, he likes to dedicate time to his other great passion which is music. He also volunteers his time to teach AI & Big Data classes at Fundación Telefónica.


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