Gaspar González Jurado-Gutiérrez

Head of Complaints Management Centres at Telefónica Spain

21 publicactions
  • My Telefónica Life

    During my career at Telefónica, I have accumulated more than 23 years of experience, always driven by my intrapreneurial spirit. My career has been evenly divided between sales areas and what I consider to be the "backstage" of our vendors, covering functions such as training, 1004 traffic management and development of management systems, among others.

    I would highlight three significant projects in my career: firstly, I participated in the beginnings of what is now our Brazilian operator. I was also one of the driving forces behind the first convergent customer management system. Currently, I am immersed in the world of complaint management, where we have shown that effective complaint management is a real source of customer loyalty.

    My vital attitude

    I am a person who is fully dedicated to my life, with influences in my family, leisure and professional life. I live intensely, being outgoing, spontaneous and grateful. My positive attitude drives me to seek luck, which I consider to be the result of well-managed probabilities. I enjoy giving inspirational and altruistic talks. In 2022, I was runner-up in the Speaker Talent international public speaking competition. Currently, I give paid talks, the proceeds of which I donate to social projects.

    My legacy

    LaRanaGaspar is my life purpose and legacy, inspired by my son Gasparín, born, fulfilled his mission on earth and marched to heaven. It consists of three souls: The Frog (witty and friendly), Me (who gives life to LaRanaGaspar) and Gasparín (the true source of inspiration). Our mission is to contribute to make the world more optimistic (but NOT naive) and more human (but NOT mammalian) by connecting my life with other people's lives. To learn more about it, I invite you to visit and to follow me on all the social networks, where we publish little things to think, act, be more and better people.


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