Federico José Guillén Moñino

Federico José Guillén Moñino

Presidente Network Infrastructure Business Group - Nokia

  • Federico Guillén has been President of one of Nokia's four Business Groups, Network Infrastructure, since 2021, and as such is globally responsible for the development, marketing, supply, deployment and maintenance of products and services for Fixed Access, Optical Transport, IP Networks and Submarine Cable Networks. He has been a member of the Nokia Management Committee (GLT – Global Leadership Team) and previously of Alcatel-Lucent (Excom) since 2013.

    Previously, he was responsible for "Customer Operations" for the EMEA and APAC regions (2018-2020), President of the Fixed Access Division (2013-2018), President of Alcatel-Lucent Spain and Portugal and Global Account Manager of Telefonica (2009-2012) and has held various positions of responsibility over more than 30 years at Nokia.

    Federico is a Telecommunications Engineer from the Higher Technical School of Telecommunications Engineers of Madrid. He has a Postgraduate degree in Switching and Data Communication Architectures from the ETSITM and a Master's degree in International Management from the EM Lyon and Alcatel-Alshtom.

    His passions are playing golf and chess, listening to music in his free time and walking with his wife. His aspiration is to one day be able to visit in time all those cities to which he has traveled, but which he has not really gotten to know as he would have liked.


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