Elena Parreño Turrión

Head of Talent and Development at Telefónica Servicios Audiovisuales, Telefónica Broadcast Services and Subsidiaries.

3 publicactions
  • I joined Telefónica in May 2013, where I discovered what a great company it is and how exciting it is to be able to help the people who drive the business. That's when I realised that I became part of this great blue family, which is a source of great pride.

    I have had the good fortune to meet extraordinary people from different areas of the company who have been pillars in my development, both professionally and personally.

    I would highlight my passion and high level of commitment in every project I undertake and with the team I lead. I live every day with enthusiasm and I manage to transmit this positive energy to my environment. I consider that I have a transversal and digital profile, thanks to my involvement and continuous training.

    Additionally, I am a lecturer on the Master's Degree in Human Resources Management and Leadership at Cardenal Cisneros University and a mentor, helping people to achieve their professional and personal goals.


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