Ana María Vega

Ana María Vega Viejo

Innovation Management in Operations, Networking and IT

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    I am an expert in 5G pilots and innovation at Telefónica Spain, Telecommunications Engineer and MBA from the Polytechnic University of Madrid.

    I started my career at CERN (Nuclear Research Institute) in Geneva, where I spent just over a year and I joined Telefónica Móviles España in 1996, and have always been involved in Service Development and Innovation.

    I have worked in all mobile telephony technologies: 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, …5G. I have been in Telefónica Móviles España, then a few years in the Corporation that was created to manage the multi-million 3G licences that we bought for Italy, UK and Germany when the technology was so immature, and then back to Telefónica España, where a few years later we would merge with the fixed line.


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