Alberto Alías Martín

Responsible for after-sales service companies

3 publicactions
  • My professional life in Telefónica began at the customer's side, from my start as a Teleoperator in the Customer Service Centre of Moviline, Movistar and the Department of Cancellations, Collections and Billing. I led the outsourcing process to external providers, Atento, Eurocén, Digitex of Telefónica Móviles España's customer service centres.

    Subsequently, I worked as a supervisor in the Customer Service Centre, resolving queries from commercial advisors and being responsible for the specialised direct service group, attending to the company's high-value customers. Later, together with Atento, we transferred the customer service to these platforms. Later, from the Customer Service Control area within the CRC Coordination and Support management, we worked to define and develop a customer service model and audit-evaluate the quality of the service we offer our customers. In CRM Technology and together with business intelligence tools "Verint" we implemented a project to provide these tools to our call centres.

    I have also participated in several training actions in Customer Service Model, Verint, La Voz del Cliente and I have trained Universitas students in the Customer Focus programm. From Customer Experience in the D.T of Catalonia, I have participated in several projects to improve the experience that customers have with our company and to define the strategic one from the territorial scope.

    I have been responsible for projects related to the improvement of the quality we offer to our customers (reduction of complaints, customer loyalty, containment and retention of customers).

    In short, increasing the CSI by analysing the results obtained from our Quality department. I have led strategic projects for the Catalonia Territorial Management (Installers Plan, Dynamisation of the My Territorial Company Plan and "Fridays in Sales", a complete programme where the participant experiences 100% of all the company's processes, from Operations to Sales, 4 days in Stores, with specific training in Sales methodology, Telephone Channel, On-line Channel and Social Networks.

    I have been part of the marketing project for the Movistar Fibra Optica product and also in the study of FTTH cancellations. Studies of root-cause reduction of complaints, increasing customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and getting customers to become fans of the company and thus achieve a very high perception of quality. My functions from the Mobile World Centre Espacio Movistar, consist of organising and promoting the mobile world capital and presenting Telefónica as a telco 3.0 Digital, promoting digital services, in addition to fixed and mobile voice, data, internet and television.

    Services such as Spotify, Nubico, Data Cloud, etc... also promoting the youth segment and Fusion services with Movistar TV. The functions that I carry out in the position of Event Manager are Public Relations and event organisation, mainly for our partners, Mobile World Capital, Barcelona City Council, Generalitat de Catalunya, Ministry of Industry, Secretary of Telecommunications, Telefónica itself and its group companies and other public or private organisations that work with technology, mobility and innovation.

    I am also in charge of VIP visits to the Mobile World Centre, presidents and executives of companies that want to meet the new Telefónica and defining the strategy of the space. Responsible and coordinator of the Mobile World Centre school. More than 40 free training workshops that we make available to our customers and the rest of the public on mobility, technology and innovation.

    Also responsible for the dynamisation, traffic generation and customer satisfaction of the flagship in Barcelona, currently the Movistar Centre. In March 2016 I moved to Madrid to join the Responsible Business team, as Manager, in the Directorate of Corporate Ethics and Sustainability as Manager. Carrying out international coordination functions for all companies worldwide that are part of the Telefónica Group.

    I also managed aspects related to Supply Chain, Talent Management and Diversity and Minors and the group's strategy around Responsible Business.

    In April 2017 with the creation of Compliance TE, I was part of the Compliance team in Telefónica Spain, developing the compliance culture in the company, in charge of the Compliance inquiries mailbox, responsible for communication and training and projects related to integrity. 

    From there, in June 2023 I returned to the customer side in the Quality and Customer Experience department. First with the Logistics and the Customer Jorney, and with an internal customer program “Tu Cliente”. Currently, I am part of the Key Account Satisfaction team, conducting personal interviews with our key customers and striving for excellence in our service.

    Co-founder of the innovative ideas association 5Talks. Ideas to improve the world. 5 talks, 5 speakers every 5 months at the MWCentre and subsequent debate and networking with the guest speakers.

    Co-founder of the association for the recuperation of centenary barren olive trees de Oliete, Teruel, a non-profit organisation for the recuperation of natural heritage, generating sustainable rural development and social employment, already a model for export and a "best practice" supported by Telefónica Volunteers of Fundación Telefónica.

    Professor of events, protocol and Institutional Relations at the Escuela Superior de Protocolo y Relaciones Públicas de Barcelona.


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