We are in solidarity

Discover the different solidarity initiatives in which we participate and learn more about Fundación Telefónica and volunteering.

At Fundación Telefónica we work to make the world more humane by promoting inclusive digitalisation. We help society to progress collectively, facilitating access to technology, because we all have potential. In this way, we help to change people’s lives through initiatives to improve employability, reduce the education gap and tackle the new social and digital vulnerability. To achieve this, we rely on Telefónica’s more than 59,000 volunteers, who channel the social actions of employees, raising awareness and mobilising society to alleviate these inequalities.

Distrito Telefónica

Solidarity with those affected by the Dana

Telefónica and its Foundation have activated the campaign #MovilizadosPorLaDana with financial donations to help all those affected by the severe floods that have affected different areas of Spain. This solidarity campaign is in addition to the mobilisation of human and technical resources to restore communications as soon as possible.

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Telefónica mobilises for Morocco

Solidarity with Morocco

Telefónica has activated, in support of the Moroccan people, the #MovilizadosPorElTerremoto campaign with financial donations and free communications between the two countries. The donations, promoted by Fundación Telefónica together with the Red Cross, will go towards health and first aid material. The Foundation will also make an additional financial contribution.

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Solidarity with Ukraine

Through the urgent campaign #SolidaritywithUkraine, Telefónica has set up different support channels depending on the needs at any given time. Telefónica has provided society with economic and human resources, together with social organisations and institutions. Below, the detail of the measures implemented by Telefónica in response to the crisis in Ukraine.

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