
Cybersecurity is one of the most strategically important and systemic risks facing society. Hence, business and government leaders around the world are innovating and proposing solutions to deliver a more secure digital experience. Recent crises have demonstrated the preparedness and capability of the European telecommunications industry to maintain the security and availability of its digital infrastructure and services.

Public and private entities require specific resources to mitigate risks. At Telefónica we are investing in strengthening the resilience of digital infrastructures, as well as in the solutions we offer our customers.  We are well aware that cybersecurity and trust-building are key issues in driving the digitalisation of our societies and economies. In this sense, it is critical to provide companies of any size, as well as public entities, with the necessary resources for their digital transformation processes accompanied by measures against potential threats.

The advent of technologies related to the Internet of Things (IoT) is exponentially multiplying the number of connected devices in both industries and homes, which increases cybersecurity risks.

It is therefore essential to incorporate a holistic view of cybersecurity that covers the full cycle of prevention, detection, and response, and that takes into account all actors in the value chain. Along these lines, it is essential that companies develop measures for the incorporation of the principle of “security by design” for all agents involved in the value chain. 

However, investment in technology will not be enough if it is not accompanied by awareness and training programmes for employees, customers, and users. The human factor is decisive and, on many occasions, represents the first firewall against cyber-attacks.

In addition, professionals with specific cybersecurity skills are in short supply compared to the pressing need for expert profiles worldwide. The gap between supply and demand for specialised professionals continues to widen, and this shortage is beginning to be seen as one of the major labour shortages of our time.

At Telefónica we also insist on the need to strengthen public-private cooperation at international level in this area, which would allow us to offer collective responses and implement scalable solutions that accelerate the adoption of best practices. No single country or company can cope with cyber threats on its own.

Telefónica is one of more than 150 international companies that have signed the Cybersecurity Tech Accord to promote a safer digital world by fostering collaboration between international technology companies committed to protecting users from threats.

In addition, Telefónica also collaborates with various organisations to share network intelligence on cyber threats and leverage its joint global reach, knowledge, assets, and cybersecurity capabilities to serve and protect customers around the world. In this regard, Telefónica provides various cybersecurity services to other players.

There are no global regulatory frameworks or sufficient international coordination to address jurisdictional issues related to cybersecurity. Therefore, it is urgent and essential to improve international cooperation and work on bringing together different legislations and defining common standards and approaches towards a more secure cyberspace.

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