Home About us Executive Team This management team is committed to generating value for all its stakeholders and society in the long term, building relationships of trust, with growth and efficiency.
Más información sobre Executive Team
Company 100 Years of history
104,142 Employees
+1,3M Jobs created directly & indirectly
Check out our Talent section
Services 31 Recommends Telefónica products or services (NPS)
83% purchases made from local suppliers
Discover our services
Connectivity +388m of total accesses
+173m premises passed with fibre
299m Mobile accesses
27m Data and internet accesses
+10m pay-TV accesses
88% LTE Coverage
Presence 11 Countries in which Telefónica operates
40 countries where teléfonica is present
Telefónica’s global presence
Financial 40,652 M€ Revenue in 2023
7,580 M€ Paid in taxes
Financial information
An exemplary company #1 in Ranking Digital Rights
6 years in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index
100% suppliers comply with our sustainability standards
How we work
A prosperous society 27% employees younger than 35 years old
+49,145 M€ total impact on GDP
+1,3M contribution to employment
Helping society thrive
A greener future -81% CO2 emissions (Scopes 1+2) since 2015
100% renewable electricity in our core markets
-86,1M tCO2 via Eco Smart and Connectivity solutions
Building a greener future
*Data updated as of 31 December 2023